Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Mt. Province and The Potters Best

Good evening,

Two Sundays ago Jerry and I went to his home "Tadian" pronounced "tadjian". This is located in a Province/State called the Mt. Province. This province ranges from maybe 2000 feet to up to 7500 feet. The climate varies and terrain is rugged. In the higher altitudes vegetables are grown in terraced mountain slopes. This area supplies Pinoy with a lot if not most of it's produce.

In Tadian we preached at a Pentecostal church Jerry's Mother attends. Our first meeting was Saturday night. We talked about Lordship. After the message the pastor remarked that everyone needs to "walk in their salvation"and invited us to share again on sunday morning. On Sunday morning we talked about Acts 2.38 and Acts 26.18. as well as 1John 1 5-7. This cleared things up for everyone. It was a blessing.

On Sunday morning a woman who attended the meeting Saturday night confessed that she was in adultery. She expressed her desire to raise her children in a Christian home. She thanked us for sharing with her and told us that she was faced with a decision.

Last week we shared at another Pentecostal Church pastored by one of Jerrys friends. The name of this church is the "Potters Best" We shared a short message about the two greatest commandments. It boiled down to this... All of Jesus' teachings basically revolve around loving God and our neighbors. Love you're enemies, turn the other cheek. We challenged them with these teachings.

This same pastor invited us to preach at a basketball game geared to be an evangelical type of thing. I shared out of 2 Peter chapter 3. "Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved what manner of persons ought you to be?" If the world is going to be burned up what are we doing playing games? Everyone was quiet afterwards.


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